Co-Teaching and Collaboration
1. Let's Build Your Next Assignment
2. Co-Teaching and Collaboration
When classroom teachers and teacher-librarians work together on assignments and ISUs, students benefit from the knowledge and experience of two dedicated educators. There are many stages of the collaborative practice:
- Controlled – isolated approach - everyone working on their own agendas often without knowledge of each other’s talents and expertise
- Connected – outreach approach – teacher sends students to the library for resources and teacher librarian pulls together resources to send to the classroom
- Cooperative - invitational approach - Teacher invites teacher-librarian to add value to teacher’s assignment (e.g. teaching search skills) or teacher-librarian develops an invitational lesson (e.g. providing book talks)
- Collaborative – deliberate approach – Both teachers partner to co-design, teach and assess a learning experience that infuses high think, information literacy and technology boosts.
- Creative Co-teaching – responsive approach – all teachers and specialist work together in the learning commons to provide self directed discovery and project learning experiences that are in tune with evolving technology opportunities, knowledge environments and learner’s interests and needs.
Loertscher & Koechlin. (2016) Coteaching and Collaboration. Retrieved From
We want to work with you wherever you’re at on this journey, with the hope of co-teaching and assessing a new or a revision to a unit of study in your class.
Please visit Mr. Robbins, Mr. Craig or Ms. Stalteri in the TLC today.